Almost everyone is a bit afraid of something. But a little afraid is, of course, different from a fear that dominates your entire life. If the fear takes serious forms, then we speak about a phobia. And you really have phobias for everything! Of course the well-known fear of heights, afraid of the dark, fear of fainting, but people are also afraid of things that you would not think of so quickly.
#1 Spectrophobia: afraid of mirrors and mirror image
Spectrophobia is a great fear to see your own reflection in the mirror.
This phobia usually occurs in people who think they have seen a ghost in the mirror.
Another possibility is that too many horror movies have seen, the killer you see in the mirror is, of course, one of the clichés in this genre.
#2 Ablutophobia: phobia for bathing and washing

It is to be hoped that none of your roommates suffer from ablutophobia, this is a great fear of soaking or washing!
As with the most phobias, it is a trauma in the past. The horror film again plays a major role here.
Many people who suffer from ablutophobia say they have gotten this by (at a young age) seen the film Psycho (with of course the famous shower scene).
#3 Anthophobia: fear of flowers
If your girlfriend has the phobia Anthophobia, do not bring her flowers! She is terrified of it!
#4 Neophobia: fear of all the new
Someone who suffers from Neophobia is afraid of everything that is new. Do not most old people suffer from this phobia?
#5Heliophobia: afraid of the sun
Heliophobia, or also called "Vampire Madness", is the fear of sunlight. The cause of this phobia is because too much sunlight can lead to skin cancer.
#6 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the Devil's number, 666, "The Number of the Beast".
Former President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy suffer from this phobia,
when they bought their home in Bel-Air they changed the address from 666 St. Cloud Road to 668.
#7 Nomophobia: fear of not being mobile accessible

A fairly new phobia is Nomophobia, this is the fear of not having a mobile reach.
Can you not check your Facebook for new Facebook messages for five minutes?
And if your heart starts to beat faster when your mobile batteries run out, you are suffering from nomophobia!
#8 Taphofobie: fear of being buried alive
Taphophobia is the fear of being buried alive.
There is a good chance that the people who suffer from this have read the book "Het Gouden Ei" or have just seen Kill Bill 2 too often.
#9 Coulrophobia: afraid of Clowns
The only phobia we can identify with a bit, Coulrophobia, the fear of Clowns.
Chances are you will suffer from this if you have seen the horror film IT at a young age!
#10 Phobophobia: phobia for phobia
Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia.

This phobia usually occurs in people who think they have seen a ghost in the mirror.
Another possibility is that too many horror movies have seen, the killer you see in the mirror is, of course, one of the clichés in this genre.
#2 Ablutophobia: phobia for bathing and washing

It is to be hoped that none of your roommates suffer from ablutophobia, this is a great fear of soaking or washing!
As with the most phobias, it is a trauma in the past. The horror film again plays a major role here.
Many people who suffer from ablutophobia say they have gotten this by (at a young age) seen the film Psycho (with of course the famous shower scene).
#3 Anthophobia: fear of flowers
If your girlfriend has the phobia Anthophobia, do not bring her flowers! She is terrified of it!
#4 Neophobia: fear of all the new
Someone who suffers from Neophobia is afraid of everything that is new. Do not most old people suffer from this phobia?
#5Heliophobia: afraid of the sun
Heliophobia, or also called "Vampire Madness", is the fear of sunlight. The cause of this phobia is because too much sunlight can lead to skin cancer.
#6 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the Devil's number, 666, "The Number of the Beast".
Former President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy suffer from this phobia,
when they bought their home in Bel-Air they changed the address from 666 St. Cloud Road to 668.
#7 Nomophobia: fear of not being mobile accessible
A fairly new phobia is Nomophobia, this is the fear of not having a mobile reach.
Can you not check your Facebook for new Facebook messages for five minutes?
And if your heart starts to beat faster when your mobile batteries run out, you are suffering from nomophobia!
#8 Taphofobie: fear of being buried alive
Taphophobia is the fear of being buried alive.
There is a good chance that the people who suffer from this have read the book "Het Gouden Ei" or have just seen Kill Bill 2 too often.
#9 Coulrophobia: afraid of Clowns
The only phobia we can identify with a bit, Coulrophobia, the fear of Clowns.
Chances are you will suffer from this if you have seen the horror film IT at a young age!
#10 Phobophobia: phobia for phobia
Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia.
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