The competition in this market is increasing every day, however, the real estate marketing needs great improvements. Keep reading this article to know 7 killer tips that will make your real estate marketing much more effective.
One of the biggest responsible for the growth of real estate competition is the internet. Many real estate agents are losing their sales to the largest real estate portals on the web, which may or may not be local.

Let us show you how to use  Digital Marketing in an assertive way to add even more to your Real Estate Marketing strategies. Recalling that digital strategy is already part of the largest real estate developers and portals in the country.

Real Estate Marketing + Digital Marketing - A combination that brings results

As all real estate agents and real estate agents already know, the main objective of real estate marketing is to make sales of your services increase through a good marketing over the properties that make up the catalog of the same. But there are several obstacles that must be faced in order to succeed in sales.
  • Show the best property for a particular client;
  • Find the best price;
  • Have the best plans;
  • Also, have authority in the market;
  • Many details of their real estate;
  • The trust you have with customers and potential customers;
  • Have a good marketing (by the broker);
  • Have a good marketing (by the real estate);
  • Among others.
In most cases the real estate has all these requirements, however, a large part of them is not shown the way it should.
Digital marketing is in the market for this, show all the information needed at the right time and according to each type of tenant or buyer.
As incredible as it sounds, digital marketing offers real estate a kind of "marketing robot" that works 24 hours a day in automatic mode.
While a salesperson caters to one person at a time, your "digital marketing robot" offers tips, advice, and help to thousands of people at once.
Now follow 7 tips that have great ability to increase your results in real estate marketing through the use of the main digital media and consequently generate more contacts and sales opportunities for your real estate.

Tip 1 - Align current trends with your real estate marketing

As previously said the internet has become a trend for sales due to its wide variety of strategies and breadth of its reach.
In most cases, real estate developers that have a greater number of sales and dominate the market, are very well aligned with the most current trends, which in this case are digital strategies.
This great result coming from the internet is due to the wide variety of information that a website can list for its users.
Real estate websites have extremely comprehensive, useful, and easy-to-use search tools, which helps the consumer to select exactly the type of property he or she wants to find.
Another alternative that can be used in digital strategies is to know how Facebook works for companies because with it you can create targeted ads to your audience easily.
These ads tend to reach a very high number of people making your real estate marketing reach much further.
Here's a list of the advantages of using the internet to advertise real estate:
  • Lower cost with employees: Your site would become a 24hrs per day vendor serving thousands of people at the same time;
  • Greater reach of customers: it is also possible to reach many more customers as it will be accessible from anywhere in the world;
  • More information on the property: Well a well-structured website shows all the details that a consumer needs to know about it;
  • Customers most interested in buying: When a customer comes into contact through the site, he is already much more interested in the property so you will spend less time with people who are still only searching for real estate (since the research has already been done through the search for your site);
  • Amongst thousands of advantages.
If you do not already have a website or Facebook page, I think it's good to start thinking about these digital strategies.

Tip 2 - Be ahead of your competition on the internet

Being on the internet is not the ultimate goal. It's just the first step. To have a good increase in your sales is necessary that you also be ahead of your competition.
One of the most popular places is Google's SERPs (search results pages). For those who reach the first page for a certain keyword will surely have a good increase in visits to your site without the need to pay for ads.
To get a better idea of what I'm talking about, see a screenshot of the Google tool that shows the number of monthly searches for each word.
In the image above you can see how searches for terms related to real estate are high (they are smaller for more specific terms). Houses for rent (40,500 monthly searches) and Houses for sale (18,100). Many terms can be found in deeper searches on this tool.
Have you thought about being on the front page for these terms?
Calculate the number of hits by people interested in real estate that could be acquired through Google.
Trying to reach the first few pages is a great goal to keep in mind. The closer to the first positions you are, the closer or even the front of your competition you will be.

Tip 3 - Enjoy the moment and invest in the authority of your real estate agent

The real estate companies are going through a critical moment, in which the consumer is much more attentive and demanding in their purchases, mainly when we speak of purchases of real estate (that is a very high value to be invested).
All this is happening for several factors: taxes, economic crisis, inflation, among others that are making consumers, in general, think several times before making a purchase.
According to Secovi data, in February 2015 there was a  35.2% drop in the sale of new properties in SP compared to the previous year.
Since consumers are more strict, especially the real estate clients, we believe that a new path must be taken to achieve a good number of sales. Investing in your authority is the best way to win over your potential client.

How do I gain the authority of my consumers?

In the digital age in which we live, everyone is searching for information before making a purchase so that it can be done in a much more assertive way. And this search is usually done over the internet, and that's where the blog on your site comes in.
Having a Blog that passes relevant information to consumers is the best alternative. It is at that moment that your real estate agent will give the best real estate market tips and unconsciously arouse the interest of your potential client, causing him to rely more and more on you.
Some ideas for articles for real estate blogs:
  • How to find the best house to live with my wife;
  • What is the best place to invest in real estate;
  • 11 fatal mistakes people make when choosing their first property;
  • and so on, creativity is the keyword.
The more relevant and exclusive your tips (whether for buying or renting a property), the more authority you will have with your potential clients and the greater the success of your real estate marketing.

Tip 4 - Know how to offer your real estate at the right time

This is a very important tip, since knowing how to offer the property to your potential client at the right time is something that can ultimately transform you into a client.
To better understand which is the ideal time for each visitor, it is necessary to pay close attention to the information that is passed on your blog. It is no use to you to have an advertisement for sale of houses on a page that talks about apartment rentals, because who arrived on this page will probably be looking for houses to rent and not for sale.

A tip for organizing ads correctly

Having ads on your site separated by categories is the best option. The secret lies in the architecture of your blog.
Have a category for home sales (which includes tips for home sales), another one for apartment rentals (where ads for apartment rentals will be inserted), and so on.
The ideal time for your potential client is given by your research. People click on the pages because they need a specific solution, so focus on creating specific ads on specific pages with specific goals.

Tip 5 - What channels to use in digital real estate marketing

There is a multitude of channels and means that can be used to draw attention, to create authority, or even to sell or rent your real estate.
Social networks are great channels to acquire more authority for your real estate and still leverage the success of your marketing. Know some networks that are very well used for marketing:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
These are some of the most used social networks to do online marketing and increase your authority or a company.
For marketing of real estate, they are perfect channels because they all have the ideal audience. Posting images of real estate launches or discounts on real estate sales are great alternatives to be explored in these social networks.
But the best thing to do is to pass on tips, just as it was said a little above. In social networks, the ideal is to pass simple and quick tips so that the person does not waste much time until in Twitter there is a maximum number of characters for the tweets.
Always remember to keep a good presence of your real estate on social networks and people will definitely have their name on the tip of their tongue, and when they need it they will look for it.
Do not forget that besides free media there are also the ads. Google AdWords or Facebook Ads are great options to be explored in the sale of real estate.

E-mail Marketing Effective for Real Estate

This is another channel that works perfectly for developers. An email marketing done properly, can bring a good number of sales.
The correct way to use email marketing is by creating targeted lists:
  • list for sale of houses;
  • list for sale of apartments;
  • list for rental of houses;
  • for rent of apartments;
  • for real estate launches;
  • among others that can be created to target your subscribers.
The more targeted your listing, the more effective your results will be, and the more assertive your real estate marketing will be.

Tip 6 - Optimize your property pages to increase conversions

Now we come to a time when many properties are no longer sold.
After all the marketing work you've done, the potential customer who is already interested in buying and reaches the page of sale of a property he liked and ... He does not contact because of the lack of information on the page of that property.
There are details that make all the difference on a real estate sales page, here are some factors that undermine your conversions:
  • nasty photos (with low quality);
  • Lots of unnecessary information (ends up tiring the possible buyer);
  • Disorganization of information (very messy information hinders more lay people);
  • Illegible texts (I've seen a site with bad sources to read).
It is no use for your site visitor to become interested in a property, and then have difficulty finalizing the request on your site.
Have an excellent sales page with a great call to action, so the user can contact and negotiate your purchase.

Tip 7 - Post great articles on your blog

Last but not least I come to complement the idea of the blog, which is something that brings a great differential to the marketing of your real estate.
Give the best tips on the market thinking of solving the frequent problems of tenants, real estate buyers such as: couples who are looking for homes to build a family, investors looking for the most lucrative real estate, among others.
Create specific texts that solve specific problems of your visitors and even reinforce the differential of your real estate or realtors.


Having a real estate marketing focused on a digital strategy is not a must, but it may be the differential that your business needs to outpace the competition in terms of authority and still reach many more renters, buyers, and real estate investors.
I hope these tips help 


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