Recipe of Corn soup with clams

2 c. butter or olive soup

3 slices of bacon, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

2 celery stalks, chopped

3 medium potatoes, cubed

2 c. non-yeast flour soup

1 bottle of 225 ml of clamshell juice or fish stock

1 bay leaf

1/2 c. salt tea

1/4 c. black pepper tea

500 ml milk or plain cream

400 g of clamshell crumb

200 g canned or frozen corn

parsley or fresh chives, to garnish


1 - Melt the butter in a casserole and fry the bacon, stirring, for a few minutes until crispy. 

2 - Add the onion and celery and saute for another 5 minutes, until the onion softens. Add the potatoes and wrap them in the fat, sift the flour into the casserole and mix well to incorporate. 

3 - Pour the juice of clams or the fish stock, the bay leaf, the salt and the pepper. Bring to the boil, stirring, then simmer for 10 minutes until the potatoes are tender and crisp.

4 - Add to the soup the milk or the cream, the broth of the clams and the corn. Heat well without boiling (as you can chop) and set the seasoning to taste. Remove the bay leaf. Serve the soup garnished with chopped parsley or chives. 

Enjoy your food!


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