Our children absorb every word we say and all our actions influence their adult lives. Their brains are developing, and they have excess synapses at a rate of about 15,000 synapses, a neuron that is twice as large as the brains of adults.

The way parents talk to their children is how children talk to themselves. The way that parents behave with their children affects the way they see themselves, and if parents show anger and criticism, the child will be angry and hard on themselves.

The way we treat ourselves affects our self-confidence and our approach to our own mistakes.

Because of all this, we need to be more patient with our children. Being a parent is the hardest but most beautiful job of life, and it is your responsibility to teach your children to be better people and to love themselves and the world around them.

The most important thing is to show them, love. So, remember that they will make mistakes as long as they are children, so even though you try to scold them, they should feel loved and appreciated. When you talk to them, you must be caring and kind.

Also, make sure that the expression of love is obvious, as they can not always perceive love between parents.

Here are five phrases you should never tell your child:

1. "Big boys/girls are never afraid!"

This is so fake, and you're well aware of it. However, saying this will only make your children afraid to express their feelings. You should support your children and explain to them that there is nothing they should be afraid of as they are safe and secure.

2. "You are not pretty/ good/smart as you should be!"

This is a big mistake because you will leave your children unsafe and they will think they are not good enough. Instead, you need to teach your children to love each other.

3. "Stop crying immediately!"

We all have the right to show how we feel, so if they feel like crying, let them cry without shouting at them. Instead, ask them about the reason for their sadness and embrace them.

4. "Why is it so difficult to do _____?"

If you ask this, your child will feel unworthy and unable to do something properly. Instead, show your kids how to do things.

5. "I can not believe you did it!"

It is too selfish to want your child to feel bad because he feels disappointed. However, you need to tell your child what and why he missed it.

So guys, what did you think of this stuff? Leave your comments in the comments and do not forget to share with friends.



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