There are very few sports so complete and within reach of so many people. Babies, pregnant women and the elderly can take advantage of this aerobic sport with little impact to the bones. Anyone, regardless of age, sex or profession, can do swimming without problems since water is a very beneficial medium for the body, relaxing without any aggressive effects and favors the organic functions.
There are very few sports so complete and within reach of so many people. 
Babies, pregnant women and the elderly can take advantage of this aerobic sport with little impact to the bones.

Anyone, regardless of age, sex or profession, can do swimming without problems since water is a very beneficial medium for the body, relaxing without any aggressive effects and favors the organic functions.
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular events
Brawn after stroke, the heart becomes stronger, gains muscle and loses the fat that surrounds it, which causes it to pump more blood to the rest of the body. 
In addition, it reduces the heart rate and stimulates blood circulation.
- Improves the respiratory system
The lungs are elastic organs whose contraction and expansion capacity depends on the muscles of the chest wall. 
With swimming, these muscles strengthen and as a result, breathing allows you greater oxygenation.
- Strengthens joints
Swimming causes muscles to increase in size and more effectively protect tendons and ligaments, in addition to exercising all joints and enhancing their flexibility. 
Its internal lubrication also improves, relieving the pain caused by arthritis.
- Self-esteem rises
Sportspeople feel more independent and secure.
In the case of swimming, these benefits add to the fact that water allows a freedom of movement that dry work does not provide.
 This favors the ludic side, facilitating the mental relaxation.
- Reduces pain and risk of injury
The strengthening of our organism causes many pains of diffuse origin to diminish. 
Swimming is one of the sports most recommended by experts to calm pathologies that involve many pains, such as fibromyalgia.
- Slows the effects of aging
Both physically and psychologically. 
Several studies confirm that a 65-year-old person who exercises regularly has a greater physical and vital capacity.
- To the taste of the waves
Enjoy the beach days and your free time in the pool to do some exercises:
- Buttocks and legs
Standing with water around the waist, contract your buttocks and stretch your left leg back. 
Return to the starting position and repeat the movement, but with the right leg. 
Do a series of 10 reps for each leg.
Standing with water by the waist, feet together, place the left hand on the waist and lift the left leg to Oremain in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 20 times with each leg.
- Abdominal and waist
Standing up, with water at chest level and arms crossed, raise your knees as you contract your belly, then stretch your legs to the left side, then back in half again as you flex your knees without landing your feet on the floor. 
Do the exercise again, but to the right side. Repeat 15 times for each side.


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