One of the most complete and recommended sports, swimming provides from caloric loss and muscle balance, to aiding in recovery from injury. The mode is suitable for people of all ages and biotypes, and has even more benefits to offer. Here are the main ones.
One of the most complete and recommended sports, swimming provides from caloric loss and muscle balance to aid in recovery from injury. 

The mode is suitable for people of all ages and biotypes and has even more benefits to offer. Here are the main ones:

It has no impact: it is a sport that does not affect the joints, promotes relaxation of muscles and helps relieve muscle tension.

It provides muscular balance:  swimming is one of the most complete modalities. The movements performed during the activity involve most of the muscles.

Improves posture:  increases spine flexibility and removes pain.

Improves aerobic capacity:  As swimming requires a lot of our breathing, the body requires a lot of oxygen.

Promotes circulation:  Swimming, moderately, from 30 minutes to an hour, at least twice a week, improves blood circulation, which facilitates the transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells, muscles and organs.

Promotes muscle flexibility:  The modality still helps maintain healthy joints and reduces the risk of bone diseases, such as osteoarthritis. 

Low impact exercises (such as swimming) keeps the required ligaments fluid and in good condition.

Help in recovery from injury:  Injured athletes are encouraged to practice swimming or rehab in the pool. 

This happens due to the water resistance, which causes the muscles to work without the impact stress felt in the collision against the ground or other surfaces.

It is for all ages:  because it is a non-impact sport, mainly children, the elderly and women do not run the risk of bone and muscle injuries.

It requires more energy expenditure:  in water, your muscles work five, six times more than on land, so the caloric expenditure is higher than in other sports.


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