Today we are going to talk about the importance of physical exercises in the lives of women who are in menopause. Physical exercises, besides important to our health at every stage, can combat osteoporosis at this stage. We know that not all can do bodybuilding or walking, but there are other activities without so much impact that we must adjust.
Today we are going to talk about the importance of physical exercises in the lives of women who are in menopause. Physical exercises, besides important to our health at every stage, can combat osteoporosis at this stage. 

We know that not all can do bodybuilding or walk, but there are other activities without so much impact that we must adjust.

One of the most known problems associated with the onset of menopause is the development of osteoporosis. This is because the weakening of the bones begins due to the reduction of estrogen levels of the body - which occurs at this time in the woman's life.
One of the main problems of osteoporosis in menopause is to be a disease that starts silently and begins to manifest physically when its damage is already well advanced. However, it is possible to combat it at the outset or before it even begins to show the first signs of development.

Bodybuilding: strengthens muscles and protects bones
To combat osteoporosis in menopause, it is imperative that you strengthen the muscles that support your bones. This is because strong muscles will prevent further trauma to weakened bones, protecting them from fractures and other problems in an eventual fall, for example.
Bodybuilding can - and should - be done during this time and is not contraindicated. However, it should be done with the guidance of a professional to avoid injuries and problems that could compromise your physical health.
Walk: support for the bones
For those who are not gym fans and pulling weight, a simple walk may be a good solution to combat osteoporosis in menopause. Economical (no monthly fee required), good to relax (when done outdoors), it is advisable to do 30 minutes at least three times a week so that you can have positive results on your body. But even 10 minutes a day already help you keep your muscles working and strengthening, giving support to your body.
Dancing: playful and fun way to combat osteoporosis in menopause
Dance is beneficial not only for increasing lean mass and fat loss, but it is also a great activity to boost a woman's self-esteem and increase her circle of friendships. 
Because they are collective activities, they also help decrease other menopausal symptoms, especially depression. 
Choose a rhythm that suits you (dance hall, Zumba, zouk, samba, among several others) and fall in.
Hydrodynamics: less impact, greater protection
Exercises in the water, in addition to helping in muscle strengthening that helps combat osteoporosis in menopause, contribute to the reduction of possible injuries due to impact. It is also a collective activity, which brings a number of benefits, as we have already mentioned above.
In addition, it can also help relieve the onset of bedwetting - choose a class schedule next to when crises occur and you will see that it helps to alleviate these symptoms.
Swimming: lower intensity of injuries
For those who do not like a lot of excitement or have a greater affinity for this exercise, swimming also helps in muscle strengthening, relieving the possibility of impact injuries. They are very complete exercises that contribute considerably to muscle tone, as well as help in weight loss.
Pilates: stretching and strengthening muscles

Pilates, in addition to helping with muscle strengthening, can also help you reposition your posture, relieving pain that you may experience throughout your life. It also contributes to better balance, better breathing and also has a very low risk of impact injury.


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