Recipe: Quinoa Salad


  • (Quantity for 4-5 people)
  • 750 ml of water
  • pinch of salt
  • 200 g quinoa
  • 4 green onions, sliced
  • 65 g rolled almonds, pistachios, or walnuts
  • 4 c. fresh mint soup, chopped
  • seeds of 1 pomegranate
  • 2 celery stalks, sliced
  • grated peel and 1 lime juice
  • 4 c. virgin olive oil soup or hazelnut oil


1 - Take to a casserole with boiling water and salt. Pass the quinoa through the water, pour it into the casserole, stirring, and cook for 12 minutes until tender and the germ ring visible. 

2 - Drain, cover the casserole with a kitchen towel and let stand for 5 minutes. Spread the quinoa evenly on a tray and place in a cool place to cool for 10 minutes. 

3 - Toast the almonds or pistachios in a thick bottom pan until golden brown. Add quinoa with mint, pomegranate seeds, celery, green onions and grated rind of lime. Dip with the lime juice and the olive oil and mix well. 

Enjoy your food!

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