12 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
To achieve a long healthy life, the first few years are essential. There is no ideal recipe, but there are a few key ideas and the need for the involvement of the whole family.
"Let's not talk about diet, but about healthy eating plans," Diana Silva, coordinator of the Clinical Nutrition Unit of the Hospital Lusíadas Porto, begins. 

It is in the first years of life that a healthy lifestyle is based that is composed, mainly, by two great components: a balanced diet and physical exercise. 
In this article, we will tell you the first pillar, the food. 
For starters, it should be noted that there are neither forbidden foods nor diet (or diets). 
Those that exist are associated with pathologies such as diabetes or chronic kidney disease. 
"Let's talk about feeding plans and healthy rules first," Diana Silva recommends.

Healthy lifestyle: the importance of family 

It all starts in the first year of life. Not only for the baby but for the whole family, one should be involved in the habits that are said to be correct, both in terms of combating physical inactivity and in relation to food. 
"If we do not change and implement healthy eating behaviors in the first year of life, extended to the whole household, when the child is inserted into a family diet, he will quickly get almost all the eating errors that his father and mother do, " he continues. Diana Silva.
Scientific committees are placing great emphasis on this whole family environment, since from the seventh year of life - obviously worsening in adolescence and becoming difficult in adulthood - it is very difficult to change the habits implemented.
 "It is fundamental to have a food education and think in terms of the future."
From a certain age, the school institution itself will be instrumental in this process. 
If the health technician, whether a nutritionist, a doctor or a pediatrician, prescribes well-balanced nutritional guidelines and plans, but the school is not sensitized to healthy eating, work is fruitless.
However, Diana Silva assumes that in the last two decades there has been an astounding evolution in terms of awareness and knowledge that fosters a healthy lifestyle. 
The media and social networks have also been extremely supportive in this area. "Still, I think they have to be much more careful in filtering the information that they convey to the public," he warns.

12 Tips for Healthy Eating

There are actually some rules to follow for a well-balanced diet under a healthy lifestyle, says Diana Silva:


Eat five meals a day (both children and adults);


Do not stop eating breakfast. "We know that many of our children and adults leave home without eating. 
Some simply do not take it and others do it in the corner cafe. We should have the habit of a healthy first meal. 
"That is, eating a dairy (milk or yogurt), a" normal "bread (avoid anything that is packed since fresh products are never packed), with jam or cheese and a piece of fruit;


In the middle of the morning we should always eat something, like a piece of fruit or half bread;


At lunch and dinner, "it is fundamental that in any age group there is a generous consumption of soup. 
It is one of the most satiating foods and with less caloric intake, so it should be present at the beginning of the large meals ", stresses the nutritionist;


Regarding proteins, use the protein trick in the palm of your hand that Diana Silva teaches: "In practical terms, what we advise people is that the protein should be measured by the palm of your hand. 
Studies done with the Portuguese population have pointed to an exaggerated consumption of proteins and a decrease in consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, beans, grains ... 
"They are rich in minerals that are fundamental for our development and for some functions. They should be consumed at least three times a week. 
To add that legumes are so important that in the last review of the food wheel came to represent a specific group;


Diana Silva emphasizes that "it is necessary to avoid extremely sugary cereals and chocolates that are a real scourge, especially for children. 
It is better to eat bread. ";


Introduce vegetables in food as they are essential, whether cooked, sauteed or raw;


Ingest a generous amount of carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, potatoes;


Avoid the fried ones. These should only be ingested on very special occasions. 
Many of the products that are currently fried can also be made in the oven;


Fruit and water are cross-cutting needs for all age groups. 
You should not exchange them for packet juice or other sugary drinks;


Replace the salt with herbs;


Look for healthy techniques for food confection.


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