People often experience some type of obstruction in the nasal passages or throat, persistent cough, and find it difficult to breathe. Phlegm is the thick, viscous substance secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract whose role is to combat infections, especially in the event of a severe cold. It accumulates in the throat and chest, congestion, and the body uses a cough to expel it. Excessive amounts of phlegm commonly occur in the case of colds, flu, sinusitis and viral or bacterial infections, as well as allergic reactions due to asthma, hay fever or damaged vocal cords. In these cases, people often experience fever, weakness, runny nose, constant coughing and difficulty breathing as well. If left untreated, phlegm can lead to bronchial clogging and secondary respiratory tract infections.
People often experience some type of obstruction in the nasal passages or throat, persistent cough, and find it difficult to breathe.

Phlegm is the thick, viscous substance secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract whose role is to combat infections, especially in the event of a severe cold.

It accumulates in the throat and chest, congestion, and the body uses a cough to expel it.

Excessive amounts of phlegm commonly occur in the case of colds, flu, sinusitis and viral or bacterial infections, as well as allergic reactions due to asthma, hay fever or damaged vocal cords.

In these cases, people often experience fever, weakness, runny nose, constant coughing and difficulty breathing as well. If left untreated, phlegm can lead to bronchial clogging and secondary respiratory tract infections.

The following home remedies eliminate phlegm and mucus in the throat and chest and treat all accompanying symptoms safely and effectively.

Honey and lemon

Honey has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that soothe the irritated respiratory tract and lead to instant relief. Lemon, on the other hand, is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and eliminates congestion.


  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • One tablespoon of honey


In a bowl, add honey and lemon juice and stir well. Drink the mixture immediately three times a day to relieve the congestion.


Ginger can act as a natural decongestant and antihistamine and has powerful anti-viral, antibacterial and expectorant properties. Therefore, it relieves congestion in the chest and throat, drying up excess mucus and stimulating the elimination of accumulation.

You should chew 3-4 slices of raw ginger daily, or drink ginger tea a few times a day.

Here's how to prepare an infusion of ginger:


  •  6 or 7 pieces of ginger
  • One teaspoon of honey (has antiseptic properties)
  • A teaspoon of black pepper (fighting infection)
  • 2 cups water


Heat the water in a pan and, when it starts to boil, add the ginger and the pepper. Cover the pan, bring to a boil for a minute and then lower the heat. Cook for 5 to 7 minutes until pale yellow. Strain and add a tablespoon of honey. You should drink this tea 2-3 times a day, taking it to instantly relieve the congestion.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar alkalizes the body and maintains a healthy pH balance in the body, which will prevent excessive production of mucus in the body.

You can add a tablespoon of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and mix well. So, drink 2-3 times a day to eliminate phlegm or gargle to relieve sore throat.


The active compound of turmeric, curcumin, has powerful medicinal properties and destroys the bacteria that are the main culprits for the appearance of bacteria.


A teaspoon of saffron
Half a teaspoon of salt (has potent antibacterial properties)
A glass of warm water (calms an irritated throat)


Add one tablespoon of saffron to a glass of warm water, add the salt, stir and gargle with the solution. Repeat 3-4 times a day to loosen the mucus and reduce phlegm in your throat.

Grooming with salt water is extremely useful as water soothes the throat and the antibacterial qualities of salt destroy bacteria and fight infections.


Cooking is an extremely effective way to loosen mucus and phlegm in the throat. Inhalation of vapors will provide instant relief.

Breathing the steam allows the vapors to flow through your throat and loosen the blocked mucus, providing instant relief. Infusing the water with herbs is also extremely beneficial.


4-5 cups boiling water Rosemary (contains antiseptic properties) - ½ teaspoon
Half a teaspoon of thyme (reduces excess mucus)
Half a teaspoon of dried rosemary


Add half a teaspoon of thyme and dried rosemary to the water and lean over the bowl to inhale the steam. Put a towel over your head, so that the steam can go directly to the face. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

You can also enjoy a steam bath twice a day.

Additional Tips:

  • You should regularly blow your nose to expel phlegm
  • Do not consume cold drinks and food
  • Avoid smoking as it leads to congestion and irritates the respiratory tract.
  • Use a humidifier to control the production of mucus
  • Avoid exposure to household cleaners, paint vapors, and hazardous chemicals as they irritate the nose and throat
  • Do not swallow the phlegm or mucus, but gargle and spit to speed up the healing process.
  • Consume spicy foods such as garlic and pepper to dilute the mucus and stop congestion.

So guys, what did you think of this stuff? Leave your comments in the comments and do not forget to share with friends.



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