Sometimes being a parent can be tricky, managing your children can be trickier. There’s a lot of information out there but nothing very useful. I always get my information from Pinterest, it’s my favorite app of all time. 

There’s so many tips and tricks on everything out there. I am a new mom so I don’t have much experience but let me tell you, I wish I knew a lot of things when he was born and even now. Having an infant can be a nightmare at times, trust me I know. 

There’s not anything I wouldn’t do for my son but do you ever wish you could have some tricks to make your life a little easier? I have a few hacks to do just that. 

1. A fun way to get your kids to eat vegetables is to give them a dice and let them roll it to see how many bites to take. 
Something about kids and not eating their greens. 

This hack might change that. Just go out and buy some dice and give it a try! This makes eating veggies so much more fun!!

2. Want your kid to have a perfect smile when taking pictures? ask them to tell you a joke and tell them they're not allowed to laugh. Works every time!

When it comes to taking pictures, most kids never smile or they always look mad. Just tell your kid to tell you a joke but tell them they’re not allowed to smile. They always smile with this old trick!

3. Do your kids always purchase stuff when playing games? put your phone in airplane mode. They won't be able to download or buy anything. 

Kids are masters of buying things when playing games. Most don’t realize they even bought anything. Putting your phone on airplane mood doesn’t let them download anything or buy anything from any games.

4. Reward your kids for things they get to do instead of things they get to have. this will teach them that true happiness comes from experience and not possessions.

5. Popsicles too messy and sticky? Cupcake papers catch popsicle drips. 

What kid doesn’t love eating popsicles?! But they are super sticky and drippy. Just make a hole in the middle of the cupcake paper and Viola! No more dripping popsicle! 

6. Put some glitter on the money when your child loses their tooth. It's a nice "tooth fairy" touch.

We all had some sort of belief in the Tooth Fairy when we were younger. Now that we’re older, we want our kids to believe as well. Adding glitter will make that happen, I know I would have wanted glitter money when I lost a tooth. 

7. An inflatable pool makes a great playpen for infants
Babies love to move around but sometimes they can get out of hand and putting everything in their mouth. 

All you have to do is go buy an inflatable pool, blow it up, stick it in your living room and fill it with toys. Just like a playpen but bigger! 

8. Use ketchup packets as ice packs. They're the perfect size for kids bumps and bruises. 

They also stay soft enough to form around any body part. 

9. Put glow sticks in the tub for bath time.
bath time is something kids are not always fond of. 

Adding some glow sticks can make the tub glow up and your kids will love it!

10. Remove marker and crayon from most surfaces with toothpaste. 

Kids know how to make a mess using anything. I dread the day that my son can write on my walls.


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