5 Tips to Sell a Quick Property in the Real Estate Market
Spent a few days in the real estate market, it is certain that one thing will happen: you will be "oriented" to SELL. 
What is wrong with it? Will you answer me at the end of this article, combined?

You who are a broker probably have already presented some property without knowing it in person. For this type of service, it is quite possible that you have been based on a knowledge about the unit that was acquired through photos or videos available on the website of the real estate/construction company or even the information in the folder or descriptive material. I confess that I have been through it a few times.

Hence, I ask you,

- Was the information available on the site or in the folder complete? 
"And the photos, they inspired who saw them?" 
"Was the property properly cleaned?" 
- If I'm more specific: did I have the extra condo fee? And the value of IPTU? 
"The floor of the parking spot?" 
- The exact footage of the property (for exactly the same is stated in the deed)? 
- Best time to present the property (yes, it exists, or do you think the owner is at your disposal)?

If your answer was NO to any of these questions, you're in a bind. Shame and embarrassment are "small" feelings to describe our face in front of the client in the absence of these answers.

So I throw a tasty challenge: invite a broker, sit down together and REFLECT on the 5 tips I'll cover next. Then, take the test that I will make available at the end so that they can evaluate the waiting time for the sale of their real estate.

A clean environment is the least we expect when we will carry out any kind of shopping in our day to day, whether in a restaurant, a store, a pharmacy or anywhere. So, why do you think it would be different in buying a property, a good with a high added value, not only financially but also emotionally?

Why often take a client to a filthy property? Yes, though absurd, this happens much more often than we can imagine.

Do not come to me now with that mimimi that keeping a property clean is the seller's (owner's) obligation. That 's the broker's excuse. For the client, you, the realtor, is the seller, it relates directly to you, so it is your impression that the customer will take care of the customer, not the owner of the property.

You are her brand, take good care of her. Clean the property, pay a cleaning lady if you have to. Leave it smelling, airy and with a presentable appearance.

"But Guilherme, this property is not exclusive with me, there are other real estate companies also selling. That's not fair. I'll pay someone else to clean it up. "

If you have come to think of it, beware! Small thinking generates small sales.

Do not do it for others, do it for yourself. This is the rule of thumb for the QR broker .

However, tell the property owner that you have adopted this practice. Do not do this in order to give an "ear jerk" by not keeping the property clean but as a sincere demonstration of your commitment to want to close the deal as soon as possible. Just let me know about the cleaning you provided and nothing else.

So do not be surprised if he offers you exclusivity of his property. After all, whoever takes good care of the "son" indirectly pleases the father . #icaadica ☺


2 - ORGANIZATION Keep Your Organization to Sell a Quick Property
Organize yourself to show the property and do not be on impulse, no fright.

If there is a resident in the property, strive to maintain a good relationship with the same . Let him know in advance about a client's visit, advise him on the need to leave the house prepared to receive a prospective buyer.

The tenant does not have the obligation to know about the importance of leaving the property prepared to receive the client, but the broker yes and it is up to this professional to take care that the house is "presentable".

Towel hanging, clothes on the floor, dirty sink, damp environment, among others, are careless that can bring down your sale.



3 bedrooms, suite, balcony, full dependence of maid, closets, full leisure, 2 parking spaces.

Thus were the ads at the beginning of my career as a broker: full of codes and language that looked more like a riddle. At that time, newspaper ads were "kings" and expensive, so we had to economize on the characters and the abbreviation was inevitable.

But today, we are in another era. The market has changed, the customer has changed and the broker urgently needs to change and update itself. However, sometimes I get the feeling that the pickup broker (or agent) is stuck in the past and does not want your property to sell quickly. This saves information and complicates the lives of other broker colleagues when it comes to directing the customer to the purchase.

We are in the age of the internet where time has turned to gold. In that way, value it. 

Today, real estate portals are dominating search engines as they deliver the information they need more fully to the buyer. The VivaReal, for example, for me, is one of today's best portals.

So, use the internet resources to your advantage. Do not skimp on the characters or the details. Do not make abbreviations. This holds true for both the portal and the system advertising strategies of your company or the relationship channel you maintain with your client.


When I registered a real estate captured by me, I had in mind that the broker, when opening the file of my capture, had to have the sensation of having already gone to the property. Therefore, he did not spare the details, because the more information he had, the safer he would be to sell the property.

The truth is that we unconsciously prized our security and so my goal was for my property not to "get out" of the broker's head and he would be more and more confident and confident to present it to the client. Got it?

So, the information that many colleagues neglected, I put in my description: an EXACT value of the condominium, amount of extra fee and reserve fund (if there was), IPTU, existence of academy, on which floor was the garage and depending on the real estate, he even made a location map. In addition to internal details of the property as in which rooms there were cabinets, the state of furniture, type of fixtures and fittings, among others.

When possible, it also recorded the reason for the sale of said property. This made it easier on a negotiation. For example, if the landlord was disposing of a property to acquire another 2-bedroom property, he made that clear in the description. In case the customer buyer has a unit with this feature, this could be a closing facilitator as it could be included in the negotiation. 

So, EVERYTHING was carefully described in order to facilitate the "life" of my colleague and consequently sell my funding faster, after all, the first sale of the unit had to be made to the broker.

That way, the richer the information you provide, the easier it will be for the broker to screen for the customer as well as for the buyer who is searching directly on the internet.

In addition, always prefer to work with languages suitable for each sales channel, diversify the way you relate to channel specificity, after all, the public is also different. It gives more work, I confess, but the result pays off. (I.e.


Here begins your sale. IMAGE IS EVERYTHING! Capriche.

At times, the feeling I have is that the broker takes the photo "di coxtas", as said his Doll, from Professor Raimundo's School. Photos that show lack of notion, of affection and zeal for the work and that show simply the nothingness.

Or better…

They show the table, the chair or the sofa. But since these are not the objects of our sale, they do not solve anything and the damage and much negotiation.

Keep in mind: the photos of the properties serve as a "cut-off point" for the promising buyer. Either he discarded the real estate portal or discarded it in front of him at the time of screening and presentation at his company.

Hardly, bad pictures give you a second chance to motivate the customer to meet you face-to-face.

Some practical tips:

- Beware of excess objects in environments. This takes the customer's focus. Organized environment makes the difference. 
- Avoid photos of the bathroom, as they are always more complicated. With little space and in an attempt to draw attention to something interesting, such as the sink, it is common that the photo is made close to the objects and you can hardly see the room. If necessary, remove towels and close the toilet lid. 
- Try to leave the environment as neutral as possible. Inspire yourself in hotel rooms. The trend is to please everyone. Properties with strong colors, with pictures of teams or political parties are dangerous since they can generate an unnecessary negative feeling. Always seek impartiality.
- If you want to insert a photo in the portal, try to put a story in it. Generate positive feelings. Example: imagine a picture of the pool and next to it the text: "Wellbeing and coziness because you deserve it."


The realtor does not sell dreams and dreams. Phrases like these date back more than 100 years. STOP SAYING THAT.

The New Age Realtor sells the experience . That's what your customer buys: EXPERIENCE.

Astonish and delight your client. This is your best selling. Generate good experiences and sell always, and fast.


Now let's go to the exercise:
Give a score of 1 to 10 for what you have done in your realtor career from the tips presented, being 1 for very bad and 10 for excellent.


Cleaning (Tip 1): From 1 to 10, what grade do you give to the properties that you have picked up (or dealt with) or presented to your clients?


Do this with each of the 5 tips. 
Be as sincere and truthful as possible, okay? Lying to me is easy. Lying to you is a loss of sale and money.

With the result of this exercise, you may find that something can improve. And that is your leverage point, your point of SALE.

So before you go crazy to present a property (after all, you will be told to sell), make sure of these 5 details contained in today's tips, as they will make a difference in your mission to provide the best experience for your customer and thus you will take a conscious step towards your success and the best and fastest sales.


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