The most powerful herb that destroys stomach pains, diarrhea, arthritis, sore throat, influenza virus
Recent research has shown that thyme essential oil and its thymol ingredient have powerful antiseptic properties. Thymol is often included in numerous mouthwashes and antiseptic wipes.

Another study has shown that thyme relieves pain, and thyme oil has traditionally been used to relieve pain for hundreds of years.

Findings from a study at Iran's Babol University of Medical Sciences have confirmed that thyme is an extremely potent herb to relieve pain, and relieves menstrual pain even better than ibuprofen.

This study involved 84 university women who reported difficult menstruation, aged between 18 and 24 years, and all of them suffered from primary dysmenorrhea.

They are painful cramps during the menstrual cycle, usually accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, back pain and headaches. Secondary dysmenorrhea is manifested by menstrual pain that is related to another underlying condition.

In addition, primary dysmenorrhea occurs within two years of the onset of menstruation (menarche) and women do not experience pelvic pain during other parts of the monthly cycle.

These are some of the most important uses of thyme essential oil:

Anti- Rheumatic: Rheumatism is a result of arthritis, inadequate or obstructed circulation, or gout, the increased concentration of toxins, such as uric acid in the bloodstream. Thyme essential oil is extremely effective in both cases as it has diuretic properties and removes the toxins through the urine. It also acts as a stimulant, activating circulation.

Antiseptic: Its potent antiseptic properties quickly treat sores and prevent infections. The main reason for this capability is the presence of components such as caryophyllene and camphene.

Hypertensive: normalizes blood pressure by raising it, so it is useful for people who have low blood pressure and fall unconscious and feel slow.

Tonico: This essential oil stimulates circulation and strengthens immunity, supports the health of the nervous system, heart, and digestive, muscles and skin.

Additional uses of this beneficial essential uses:

  • Thymol protects and increases the percentage of healthy fats in cell membranes
  • Its consumption raises the levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in the brain, kidneys and cell membranes of the heart.
  • Thymol, a chemical constituent of thyme essential oil, stimulates blood flow to the skin and therefore accelerates the healing of wounds and skin problems.
  • It destroys fungus on the nails.
  • It kills parasites.
  • It treats infections of the urinary tract and the bladder and their diuretic properties improve their effectiveness.
  • Put some in a warm compress and apply it on the affected areas to treat sciatica, gout, rheumatic pain, sprains, muscle aches, sports injuries, arthritis.
  • Add in a bath or massage to stimulate menstruation for weak or absent periods.
  • You can use it to treat candida and vaginitis.
  • Mix it with lavender, rosemary and cedarwood and add it to grape seed and jojoba oils to treat the area of alopecia by massaging the scalp. Repeat daily for several months.
  • In the case of athlete's foot, apply it neat or undiluted, but apply a little greasy cream in the area previously to protect the skin.
  • Thyme is a common ingredient in natural hand sanitizers.
  • You can use it as a hair tonic or in a facial wash to treat acne and warts.
  • To relieve insect bites, crush fresh herb or use diluted oil and apply it in the area.
  • Use a 1% solution as an antibacterial wash for fresh products.
  • Thyme will keep the bugs away from your home.
  • To avoid irritation, it is advisable to always use thyme in combinations. You can mix it with lavender, pine, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit and essential oil of rosemary.

So guys, what did you think of this stuff? Leave your comments in the comments and do not forget to share with friends.


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