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From the Xbox Team
So you installed Windows 10 ... And now? Of course, there are several fun pre-installed games such as Patience, Minefield and Candy Crush Saga, new to Windows. But there are many other PC gaming options besides these, and we had the idea to select some that you should check out first. Here is the list of some games compatible with Windows 10, including great franchises and some exclusive PC games that, of course, you will love.

League of Legends
Riot Games' competitive real-time strategy game (RTS) has been storming the PC gaming world since its launch in 2009, and has launched its own subgame for strategy games: the multiplayer battle arena online (MOBA). It's a highly focused gameplay game where two groups of five players choose from a diverse cast of champions and work together to advance against opponents' defense and destroy the enemy base. League of Legends is one of the great MOBA games available, style in which also stand out Heroes of the Storm and Dota 2 .
World of Warcraft
The king among the MMORPG (Multiplayer Massive Online Roleplaying Games), Blizzard's World of Warcraft is a fantasy world in which you could spend years. In the game, the world of Azeroth displays a wealth of details that rivals what is seen in The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones and will be transformed into a feature film in 2016. Enter that, create a character, find a group and adventure be!
What else can we say about Minecraft ? It is one of the greatest games ever released and also one of the most creative and wonderful games you will play. The PC version has more than 20 million players worldwide! Windows 10 users can download Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta and give their feedback to help shape the newest version of the game. As a bonus, if you already have the Minecraft version for PC, the Windows 10 Beta versionit's free! That is, if you want to continue playing in the worlds you've created before, the existing PC / Java version will run better than ever on your newly upgraded Windows 10. Anyway, there's no limit, not even the sky, to what you can create with the ever-growing Minecraft toolkit .
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The most recent fantasy RPG adventure of Witcher's protagonist , Geralt de Rívia, was received with nothing less than unanimous critical acclaim. One of the best games of 2015, The Witcher 3 takes you to one of the largest and most detailed fantasy worlds ever created and then hands you the keys and lets you do just about anything you want. Maybe we're being biased here, but the game runs incredibly in Windows 10. No matter which platform you choose, do not let this game go blank.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Blizzard's World of Warcraft collectible card game may seem a bit casual at first glance, but the depth and strategy in it is impressive. Hearthstone currently has about 600 unique cards for you to assemble and build your deck and nine distinct character classes that can be used to destroy your opponents. Daily quests, player rankings and a steady stream of content make this a game to which you will remain faithful for years.
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Can you tell that we love our Blizzard games? Yes, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition is available for Xbox One, but that does not stop you from enjoying this RPG game on PC. Diablo III is the kind of game that is always revealing something new and unexpected and stimulating the player with a steady stream of treasures to make his character increasingly powerful as he travels the world in search of the demon leader who gives title to the game and of his infernal generals.
Grand Theft Auto V
Of course, if we are talking about the biggest PC games, we would never leave Grand Theft Auto out. The last (and definitely the best) game of the "criminal" saga of Rockstar Games puts you in the shoes of three very different characters, who can be alternated at any time. Each character has its own set of quests and can also join others for carefully planned (or clunky, but fun) assaults. And of course, it comes with Grand Theft Auto Online , which offers incredible opportunities to set up a "gang" and face whatever comes.
Sid Meier's Civilization V
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is the newest game in this beloved simulation and strategy franchise, but we're crazy about the more traditional titles. Civilization V allows you to choose from 43 different civilizations and challenges you to make them a thriving power, from the Old Age to the Information Age. Make sure you have the complete edition to live the whole experience - it includes all the expansions, plus all the downloadable content and updates needed to enhance your Civ experience!
Tomb Raider
tomb Raider
If you have not tried the latest exciting adventure archaeologist Lara Croft, your Windows 10 PC offers the perfect opportunity to catch up - and the release time of Rise of the Tomb Raider for Xbox One , on 10 November, or the version for Windows 10, scheduled for early 2016! Featuring epic moments of action in the most beautiful and hostile environments on earth, Rise of the Tomb Raiderpromises to be a cinematic survival adventure in which you will join the iconic heroine on her first expedition as she seeks to discover the secret of immortality before let the bad guys do it.
EVE Online
The official website of EVE Online describes the game in the best way: "real-life science fiction". EVE is a science fiction MMORPG featured in an incredibly large universe with more than 7,000 star systems in which tens of thousands of players coexist and try to create a life of their own. You can become an asteroid miner, bet on the virtual stock market, get entangled in politics or even hunt down your fellow players like a space pirate. It's a game that has resulted in a surprising number of epic stories over the past 12 years and has an unmatched interconnected ecosystem.
The titles we've collected are some of the best in PC gaming, but this is only a small sample of what's available for Windows 10. Are you waiting for what to go after your favorite game?

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Although the gigantic majority of current games require a powerful and therefore expensive computer, there are a good deal of excellent PC games that do not need a supercomputer to play, especially if you use a notebook. To help you with this task, we've listed below 14 PC games that are likely to run on your modest machine, but even if they are not top-of-the-line, they can deliver hours of fun. 

1. FTL: Faster than Light

Post an image of  FTL: Faster Than Light would be unfair to the game, which exchanges potential graphics for excellent mechanics. The game is a spacecraft simulator, in which it is necessary to build your own ship and travel the stars to save the universe. Interestingly, the obstacles and the game map are randomly generated each time you start a new session. As much as the mission is the same, each game will have different ways of being overcome.
Minimum Settings:
CPU : 2GHz 
Video : Dedicated 128MB video card 
Storage : 175MB 
Price : $ 9.99

2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Originally released in 2011,  The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  easily fits into any of the best all-time games list. The cult RPG has generated memes and received numerous awards, and is still a great game to try.
PC games
Because it was released five years ago, most of today's computers and laptops are now capable of running without major problems, and its price is considerably more palatable than five years ago. In PC, the game counts on a flood of modifications available. Remember that by purchasing the game along with your expansions, you are automatically eligible to receive your remastering with HD graphics, which will be released on October 28 of that year.
Minimum Settings:
CPU : 2GHz dual-core 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Compatible with DirectX 9 
Storage : 6GB 
Price : $ 39.99

3. Broken Age

One of the most successful games on the Kickstarter collective funding platform, Broken Age is the reinvention of an adventure game released in the 1990s. Accompanying the story of two characters - which can be interspersed in plot development - you will have to use intelligence to solve the small puzzles arranged during the chapters.
PC games
CPU : 1.7GHz dual-core 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Intel HD 3000 
Storage : 2.5GB 
Price : $ 24.99

4. Half-Life 2

One of the most revolutionary PC games in the industry,  Half-Life 2  continued the story of scientist Gordon Freeman. Even today fans of the shooting franchise wonder about a third edition of the game, since the second was released more than 10 years ago. That's why  Half-Life 2 currently runs even on the least powerful computers without any problems. Not just an affordable game, Half-Life 2 is a piece of the history of video games to be enjoyed.
PC games
CPU : 1.7GHz dual-core 
RAM:  512MB 
Video : Any one that has compatibility with DirectX 8.1 
Storage : 4.5GB 
Price : R $ 19.99

5. Portal 2

If rampant shooting and mutant monsters are not your beach, you might prefer the puzzles of  Portal 2 , created by the same producer of  Half-Life 2 . Armed with a weapon that generates teleportation portals, you will have to cross several stages, paying attention to the mechanics and patterns of each obstacle in a scenario. One of the PC games of the puzzle genre most worshiped by fans. The game has cooperative challenges and can be played with other people.
CPU : 3GHz dual-core 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : 128MB with support for Pixel Shader 2.0b 
Storage : 8GB 
Price : $ 15.99

6. Minecraft

You've probably heard of this fever. What you might not know about it is that it works on virtually every computer, adjusting itself to user settings. Minecraft  is one of the most free games in history, allowing you to do almost everything.
Whether you set up a re-creation of the country map to a huge fortress or even embark on online battles against other players, you can do everything in  Minecraft . And for what it does not know how to do, there is certainly a tutorial on YouTube teaching how to do it. Despite the childlike appearance, Mojang's game is one of those with the greatest potential to make you lose hours of your life without even realizing it.
CPU : Intel Pentium D 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Intel HD or AMD / ATI Radeon HD 
Storage : 200MB 
Price : R $ 34,50

7. Rogue Legacy

Perfect for anyone who was a video game fan in the 90's,  Rogue Legacy takes what's best in platform games and creates a unique title. In the role of a knight, you must clear a castle, but there is a twist in the way it is exploited: if your character dies, it is replaced by a descendant, with characteristics different from the original.
Some bonuses are retained, but you return to the castle from scratch. And that's where we have the second turn: the map changes with each death. That is, every time he enters the castle, he is different than the previous one. It's one of the most challenging PC games on the list, but no less fun.
CPU : 1.6GHz 
RAM:  1GB 
Video : x1950 Pro or 7900GT or more 
Storage : 400MB 
Price : $ 9.99

PC games
See too:

8. Do not Starve

The melancholy  Do not Starve brings a different proposition and represents a current trend in video games and computers: survival games. In the role of the scientist Wilson, you find yourself trapped in a fantasy world that can not get out. However, before escaping from there, it is necessary to explore its surroundings and acquire supplies for its survival, such as wood to make bonfires, as well as plants and animals to prepare meals. During the night, you have to light the fire to be protected from monsters that go through the shadows.
PC games
CPU : 2GHz 
RAM:  1GB 
Video : NVidia HD 4450 
Storage : 500MB 
Price : R $ 27,99

9. Hearthstone

Blizzard's collectible card game is one of the most versatile PC games available, and can be played on both the computer and Android and iOS mobile devices. Inspired by the World of Warcraft game  Hearthstone brings a formula that allows you to play for fun as well as a professional, with championships broadcast even on sports channels. Best of all: despite having paid items, you can start playing for free.
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Intel HD 1000 
Storage : 3GB 
Price : Free

10. Sid Meier's Civilization V

One of the most cultured strategy games in the world,  Sid Meier's Civilization V  is also one of the easiest to run on any computer, and even if your PC does not run, the previous edition can easily break the bough. In the game, you take the place of a world leader - the Brave New World expansion allows you to be the emperor D. Pedro II and govern Brazil - and should rewrite your history, from ancient times to the first space voyage. But beware: you may end up losing hours on end saying you will play just one more round.
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Intel HD 
Storage : 8GB 
Price : $ 44.99 (the full version with all expansions - including Brazil - costs R $ 74.25)

11. The Sims 4

One of the most played franchises of all time, the latest edition of The Sims 4 Life Simulator was created especially with all sorts of computers in mind. Despite launching recently, one of its possible configurations is called laptop mode, allowing even notebooks whose focus is not games can run without major problems.
PC games
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : Intel HD 3000 
Storage : About 20GB for all functions 
Price : R $ 99,90

12. Dragon Age: Origins

An RPG classic and direct competitor to  The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,  Dragon Age: Origins also brings a medieval fantasy scenario to its players. Unlike Skyrim, the game's emphasis is on its system of moral choices, relying on more complex decisions and consequences more effective than its competitor, making it superior in this aspect, although it is older.
Like Skyrim, the age of the game makes it easier to run on all types of computers. Another of its differences is the possibility of controlling a team of warriors, rather than just its protagonist.
CPU : Intel Core 2 1.4GHz 
RAM:  1GB 
Video : 128MB 
Storage : 20GB 
Price : R $ 19,90

13. Dead Space

Especially for horror fans,  Dead Space brings a crewmember from a space station who has survived a terrible crash and needs to find a way to protect the remaining crew members in the wreckage. But of course he will not be alone: hostile alien beings called necromorphs are looking for survivors and can be in any corner. The game was originally released in 2008 and has two more sequences.
PC games
CPU : 2.8GHz 
RAM:  2GB 
Video : 256MB with support for Shader Model 3.0 and DirectX 9.0c 
Storage : 8GB 
Price : R $ 19,90

14. Chroma Squad

Developed by a Brazilian gaming studio,  Chroma Squad  is perfect for whoever it was - or still is! Power Rangers fan  Assuming the role of five stuntmen who set up their own studio to produce a  super sentai series - series of which a team of costumed heroes protect the planet - you should take care of every aspect of the studio.
In addition to combating fictional monsters to record incredible episodes, you should seek sponsors, buy new studio equipment and weapons for your heroes. The title was made in the pixel-art style , reminiscent of classic videogame games. Be sure to check out the game trailer below to understand its crazy proposal, one of the most unique of PC games:
CPU : 2GHz 
RAM:  512MB 
Video : 128MB 
Storage : 250MB 
Price : $ 15.99
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it's time for Google's operating system users to also know which games they can hasten and step on. Available for Android-powered smartphones and tablets, these games address speed disputes in ways: be it with a more realistic approach, from racing to other surfaces and even frantic disputes with no commitment to reality. Continue reading right below to know the 13 best racing games for Android!

1. Horizon Chase

Developed by Brazilian studio Aquiris and inspired by classic racing games like Top Gear, Horizon Chase is one of the most awarded mobile games of 2015. The title featured compositions by Barry Leich, the same that created the iconic Top Gear soundtrack in the decade of 90. It has one of the best graphics of Android and has some free tracks, working as a kind of demo to be tried to help the player decide whether to buy the full version. Click the link to meet Horizon Chase and check out our review .

2. Asphalt Nitro

Exclusive to Android, Asphalt Nitro is the latest title of one of the most traditional franchises of racing games for Android and mobile devices in general. This version has circuits around the planet and disputes in 8 game modes. These include skidding and leaking contests against the police, in addition to traditional fast races, multiplayer disputes, and championships against an artificial intelligence (AI). Learn more about Asphalt Nitro and get ready for the arrival of Asphalt Xtreme, the upcoming franchise title announced by Gameloft.

3. Beach Buggy Blitz

Swinging high-speed trails through the warm weather of the beach, Beach Buggy Blitz runs through the sand on the famous and friendly  buggys used to ride on the terrain. Despite the cartoons, the game has excellent graphics and takes place in an open world. That is, you are exploring the island where the game takes place, rather than just choosing game modes from the menus. It has aesthetic customization options and upgrades for your buggy performance. Learn more about Beach Buggy Blitz on Google Play .

4. Motor Boat Racing 3D

Coming out of the sand into the sea, 3D Motor Boat Racing returns to mind-bending speed, but in command of powerful jetskis. The title features basic modes such as Career mode - which has about 40 stages - fast racing and online multiplayer mode for up to four players simultaneously. You use the phone's gyroscope to guide the jetski, using the touch screen to accelerate or brake the vehicle during races. Click the link to check out the 3D Motor Boat Racing.

5. Racing Rivals

Returning to the race tracks, Racing Rivals disputes bring licensed official cars to the disputes, which take place at weekly events named Territory Wars. With a climate inspired by Velozes & Furiosos, the title allows you to customize and "tuning" your car according to your style of play. The most dangerous of the game are your bets, which can make you lose money and cars ... or gain even more vehicles for your garage! See more about Racing Rivals on Google Play .

6. Slingshot Racing

One of the most inquisitive games on our list with the best racing games for Android, this title brings the fantasy scenario called steampunk - in which technology is still driven by coal, not oil - to the racing genre. Using ropes with hooks, you should take advantage of the best spaces on the track to boost and speed your car.
The game has about 80 races with different goals in its main mode, and count on multiplayer for up to four players. Get to know Slingshot Racing on your Google apps store page .

7. Extreme Car Driver Simulator

Considered one of the best racing games for Android 2014, Extreme Car Driver Simulator may seem like a game full of complications, since it implies being more a simulator than a racing game. However, you can venture through the tracks of the game without fear of being happy - or be chased by the police. The title has recently been updated and has improved graphics and visual effects, plus a mode dedicated only to destruction. Get to know the game on Google Play .

8. Top Speed: Drag and Fast Racing

Top Speed: Drag and Racing puts your reflexes and timing to the test. The game counts with the impressive amount of 69 cars - among them even police cars! - and disputes against about 20 opponents throughout the main campaign, divided by 5 neighborhoods. The focus is on tuning, improving your car's ability to be even faster. Click on the link and get to know Top Speed: Drag and Fast Racing.

9. Traffic Racer

One of the oldest Android racing games to appear on Google Play, this title blends steering simulation with endless racing games like Temple Run 2 . You should drive a car in the midst of heavy traffic, increasing in speed as you go. The game has five different background backgrounds and offers about 35 vehicles unlocked with coins won in the game. It is possible to customize the color of the vehicle and has five game modes. Learn more about Traffic Racer on Google Play  

10. Real Racing 3

One of the top franchises of racing games for Android, Real Racing 3 has one of the best graphics for mobile devices. EA's game features official race tracks around the world and features about 140 official vehicles. The races are one of the biggest of Android, with 43 cars competing simultaneously. It also lets you compete in two different modes of multiplayer: real-time with up to 8 people or challenging the best time of your friends. Real Racing 3 can be downloaded on Google Play .

11. Angry Birds Go!

The angry birds are the stars of games of the most diverse genres, among them the race with Angry Birds Go! The game uses the system consecrated by Mario Kart, Nintendo, but changing the brothers plumbers by the friendly birds. Using go-karts equipped with the wackiest items, you can progress through the game's campaign races, unlocking the characters as you progress. Click the link below to download Angry Birds Go!

12. Need for Speed: No Limits

From the same studio that developed Real Racing 3, Need for Speed: No Limits trades the wide variety of cars available to let the player assemble and customize their own vehicle. The game counts on cars like the Porsche 911 and Subaru BRZ, among others. Street races are as "limitless" as the name of the game implies, allowing you to juggle and stomp. Learn more about the new Need for Speed for Android .

13. CSR Racing 2

This game also has majestic graphics and follows the genre of drag racing. CSR Racing 2 features licensed cars and allow players to set up their own racing groups to compete with each other and with other teams in multiplayer modes. The mode is played in real time, that is, you really will be disputing with another person and not against the best time you did at another opportunity. Learn more about CSR Racing 2 !